Monday, July 13, 2009

My baby is not a baby anymore!

My son is two. I wanted to try and have a fun day that didn't require extravagant things. Much to my dismay when the kid has 3 sets of grandparents each that only have 1 grandchild (Jack) let me just say that the kid is spoiled. I don't think that he knows it yet, but I am going to give that time.

My husbands father stopped by early this morning to drop off this gift.

We then got dressed walked outside to find this gift from his parents. It is a sand and water table, or as I like to call it the mud table.

It was so windy that his Uncle Beav flew a kite with him which I am convinced was the favorite part of his day. He watched me decorate the cake which was hard to explain why he couldn't eat it at that moment. With some swift distraction from my husband. He enjoyed his new race track and cars.

Then dinnertime came with more present and the crazy gifts that ensued. I am not sure it what my mother in-law got my son is a savior or the worst thing that could have ever happened. Right now there is no room in my sons room because he has a 6x6 blow up jumper in his bedroom.

I think that he realized that it was his birthday when the cake came out. He actually new to blow out the candles. Such a huge difference from last years birthday. I reminisced and was watching old videos. Maybe it was to torture myself with the fact that my son is growing up and that scares the shit out of me.

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