With bags not selling well I discussed with the girls at the salon what they felt customers where saying about the bags. There have been requests for bigger bags longer handles, basically a tote, and lower prices.
This has similar dimensions to the typical large ll bean type tote. I am able to make it cheaper because of no handles. I will see how they sell.
I also have been practicing my applique. This bag is a gift for my husbands grandmother who loves horses. She used to have her own but due to the work involved and her age she had to get rid of him. So this is the Stormy Bag.
For I little fall fun I also worked on this pumpkin. The cloth was a dollar at the store in town, so I couldn't resist.
I hope to get more bags made with the basement project complete. Hope to have new bedroom carpet pictures soon.
Bre, they are so cool! I love them~ I linked you from my blog...hopefully it will help get the word out. You need to register for ETSY! I am glad that the basement and carpet are done~