I can't get over how sturdy this purse feels. It's handle has interfacing in it. I was concerned that my machine could handle it.
I also worked on a handheld clutch with great thoughts of making a wedding bag for a friend who is getting married in February. The white satin was expensive and I wanted extra in case of screw ups. Well it is finished, but I'm afraid if my friend used this clutch for her wedding it would end in divorce. It is absolutely ugly. I can't even show a picture. I think that the satin looks wonderful but not in this form it looks cheap. Well i guess there is hope, the wedding is not till February. I may possibly find a different pattern.
On a none sewing note my husband's dreams came true. We purchased a truck, and after hours of endless speeches about the thousand of reasons we NEED a truck, we found one that suited our needs.
Lovely purse, Awesome about the truck too! Love those " I am going to get what I want, I am just making it look like I am including you in the conversation" conversations. AHHHHHH true love!!!! Sorry about the satin bag failure~